12 April12.04“I guess I’ll sow potatoes”How the lockdown in Kazakhstan has left many ordinary Kazakhs in desperate straits
01 April01.04Central Asia in lockdownIt’s been a busy week in COVID-19’s Central Asia. Here’s a quick summary
20 March20.03A billion-dollar crisis package, appeals to private businesses and a bootleg alcohol tragedyThe latest coronavirus news from Central Asia
19 March19.03Border closures, litigation against God in Kyrgyzstan and a lockdown in KazakhstanHow the coronavirus is being fought in Central Asia
12 March12.03Russia’s presidential term reset – a master class from its neighboursFor Putin’s CIS colleagues, extending one’s rule through constitutional amendments is an old trick
06 March06.03Badlands from the Pamirs to the VolgaHow desertification threatens the countries of Central Asia, and how it can be stopped
16 February16.02Us and themEthnologist and social anthropologist Igor Savin on the roots of the conflict in southern Kazakhstan
08 February08.02”Provocateurs tried to exploit the situation”Clashes break out in southern Kazakhstan after an attack on police